Monday, October 26, 2015

Hard Questions

How Could a Loving God Command?
by Jim Baird

Is The Bible Reliable?
Jeremie Beller

Why Is There a Hell?
by Jim Baird

Why Would God Allow Slavery?
Jeremie Beller

Does The Bible Really Condemn Homosexuality?
by Jim Baird

Did Jesus Really Have to Die on a Cross?
by Jeremie Beller

Friday, October 23, 2015

Links to my other blogs

I continue to work on and add to each one of these to keep them active and up to date. Constantly adding my old material and adding fresh content.

Title: Click on the title below to go to blog Brief description of each blog
Off-The-Church-Walls Humor blog
Real Life Quotes Growing Quote collection.
Real Life Enrichment Practical information for everyday life.
Parable Inspiring devotional illustrations
Preacher Points Place for sermon outlines and resources
Kevin Rayner's Ministry to God @ The Edmond Church of Christ Many current resources currently being used at the Edmond Church of Christ
Edmond Oklahoma SAM's Information for helping Seniors
Rayner Resources Hub for my information online
Magnify Jesus A look at the Christ's life and teachings
Christ's Church Reflecting on the followers of Christ
Real Life Conversion How lives are changed by Christ
Oaks of Righteousness Where to focus on becoming more fully devoted followers of Christ
"Overtime Church" More challenging thoughts for the disciple that is most serious about Jesus. Theology for the night owl, weekend worker, or Bible student who wants to learn more.
Kevin's Komment Online commentary and resources to better understand scripture.
Real Life Servant Maker For the Christian growing with a Christ-like servant attitude toward others.
Becoming Great Neighbors Encouragement to love and serve your neighbor
Edmond Church of ChristHospitality Helping each Christian become more hospitable.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Click below to listen to the audio file about memory.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Spiritual Abundance

An uneducated man, on his conversion, wished to learn to read, so that he might read the Bible for himself.  He started, and made such good progress that he soon began to read the New Testament through.  A Christian friend, meeting him one day, asked how far he had got in his reading.  He replied that he was now reading in Romans.  "And how do you get on with that?" was the question.  "Well," answered the man, "there is a great deal I can't quite understand, but whenever I come to a 'therefore,' I get a blessing."  He could not comprehend all of those great arguments, but Paul always sums up with a "therefore," containing the sum and substance of his theme, which even the simplest by faith, will have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 5:1).